cassy and jenson
Engagements > May 23, 2012

Can’t believe I didn’t get these posted before the wedding…grrr….So, if you follow me on facebook you’ve already seen quite a few previews of Cassy and Jenson’s gorgeous wedding.  Their engagement session includes more of the same :)  Since Cassy and Jenson chose to have a short engagement (love that–I was engaged for over a year and hated it!), we were so thankful that it warmed up early this year to sneak this session in before the wedding!

Cass and I had shared numerous emails and pinterest boards up to this point so I already had a good idea of her style and also the look they were creating for their wedding, which helped in finding the perfect settings for their images!

A little earthy, a little sparkle.  And this is about where the drama started for the night….We had some wind issues with our sparkly look.  Oh well, we made it happen…then as I was tromping through the field, I stomped onto the biggest thorn!  The thing was instantly buried in my heel and it hurt!  Cassy to the rescue..I still can’t believe she had tweazers in her bag!  When I finally got it out of my foot, it looked less like a thorn and more like a TREE!  So that was our drama for the night, glad it only lasted a few minutes ;)

Really, Cassy…you’re what I call “roll out of bed pretty,” meaning you probably awake each morning looking like this…and I hate you ;)

These two have the best body language/chemistry/affection….seriously.

Honestly, could these two be any cuter together?!  And Jenson can pull off the suspender look better than anyone I’ve ever met!

I love that we finished the session at Jenson’s grandparent’s house, sitting on the bank of their pond in the old boat.  Jenson and Cassy, thank you so much for a fun night…and for saving me from a possible life-threatening splinter…and for not thinking I create drama wherever I go ;)  I will have wedding images for you very soon!!!!!