miss faith
Portraits, Children > October 7, 2011


This little girl is all diva.  Not diva in the way that makes you roll your eyes and think she’s spoiled…but in the way that makes you laugh at her childish reactions to such grown up things as jewelry, clothing and Justin Bieber.  Yes, the Biebs.  More on that in a bit….

Faith is one of those kids on my list of amazing families I get to work with that I eagerly anticipate photographing each year.  She is the sweetest and funniest little girl I think I’ve ever known.  Every expression from her is nothing but genuine…and she easily plays along when I ask her to sing and dance in the middle of the street.  All to  Justin Bieber songs, of course ;)



And here makes the first appearance of Justin on the blog…we’ll see if it’s also the last ;)  Faith has a tiny little girl crush and isn’t afraid to admit it.  She was sooo excited to sport her Bieber tshirt and would often yell BIEBER FEVER at me when I asked her about him ;)  I am pretty sure I came home singing “Baby, Baby, Baby Ohhhhh” that night!






Oh,  Faith…you make me smile like no other!  I won’t judge you for your taste in music (yet) but next time I may bring my own tunes ;)